Sepang Msr V2

14 Jan 23 02:38 PST
Back to Results
# Name Car Qualifying Time Average Lap Laps
1 Mercedes-Benz 190E EVO II 02:18.529
Tyre: M
02:19.984 15 laps / 1 cuts
2 Mercedes-Benz 190E EVO II 02:18.619
Tyre: M
02:19.061 9 laps / 1 cuts
3 Mercedes-Benz 190E EVO II 02:21.968
Tyre: M
02:30.414 12 laps / 19 cuts
4 Mercedes-Benz 190E EVO II 02:23.267
Tyre: M
02:28.900 17 laps / 6 cuts
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with car 9.1 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: 0.0 Z: -1.7 X: 82.3 Y: 3.0 Z: 123.5
2 Collision with car 8.3 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: -0.0 Z: 1.5 X: 82.6 Y: 3.0 Z: 123.4
3 Collision with car 0.6 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.6 X: 86.7 Y: 2.6 Z: 122.8
4 Collision with car 8.7 Km/h X: 0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: 1.5 X: 451.9 Y: 6.2 Z: -132.6
5 Collision with car 15.9 Km/h X: -0.9 Y: -0.0 Z: -0.3 X: 450.7 Y: 6.2 Z: -133.9
6 Collision with car 10.4 Km/h X: 0.4 Y: -0.2 Z: -2.4 X: -518.2 Y: 3.5 Z: -1.2
7 Collision with car 10.4 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: -0.2 Z: 2.0 X: -517.9 Y: 3.5 Z: -1.2
8 Collision with environment 33.2 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: 2.0 X: 132.6 Y: 9.9 Z: 351.0
9 Collision with car 93.1 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: -0.5 X: 539.4 Y: 5.3 Z: 119.9
10 Collision with car 18.8 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.8 X: 409.6 Y: 4.0 Z: 13.8
11 Collision with car 15.0 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: -0.3 Z: 2.0 X: 409.6 Y: 3.9 Z: 13.8
12 Collision with car 12.1 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: 0.7 X: 377.4 Y: 3.7 Z: -7.0
13 Collision with car 5.7 Km/h X: -0.2 Y: -0.4 Z: 2.0 X: 373.5 Y: 3.6 Z: -8.0
14 Collision with environment 50.0 Km/h X: 0.5 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.9 X: -85.9 Y: 6.0 Z: 377.3
15 Collision with environment 3.9 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: 2.0 X: -19.3 Y: 6.9 Z: -378.2
16 Collision with environment 42.6 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: 2.0 X: 121.4 Y: 2.0 Z: 145.2
17 Collision with environment 30.0 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.9 X: 313.5 Y: 2.8 Z: 105.6
18 Collision with environment 57.1 Km/h X: -0.7 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.9 X: 402.1 Y: 5.7 Z: -61.9
19 Collision with environment 29.7 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: 2.0 X: 292.4 Y: 4.1 Z: -60.9
20 Collision with environment 10.2 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: 2.0 X: -17.6 Y: 7.2 Z: -371.7
Car Env Rel
sepang_msr_v2 sepang_msr_v2 collisions
1st MasterSeth in Mercedes-Benz 190E EVO II
Best: 02:18.529, Potential: 02:18.271
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 06:10.679 04:25.334 00:50.045 00:55.300 0 M
2 02:19.646 00:35.103 00:49.400 00:55.143 0 M
3 02:25.623 00:34.522 00:49.590 01:01.511 0 M
4 02:23.946 00:36.836 00:50.612 00:56.498 0 M
5 02:18.815 00:34.402 00:49.527 00:54.886 0 M
6 02:19.386 00:34.446 00:49.733 00:55.207 0 M
7 02:18.689 00:34.362 00:49.445 00:54.882 0 M
8 02:18.868 00:34.355 00:49.320 00:55.193 0 M
9 02:18.776 00:34.309
00:49.360 00:55.107 0 M
10 04:01.837 02:16.852 00:49.801 00:55.184 0 M
11 02:19.389 00:34.628 00:49.771 00:54.990 0 M
12 02:18.959
00:34.325 00:49.487 00:55.147 1 M
13 02:18.873 00:34.446 00:49.211
00:55.216 0 M
14 02:19.279 00:34.551 00:49.689 00:55.039 0 M
15 02:18.529
00:34.422 00:49.356 00:54.751
0 M
2nd jensen chu in Mercedes-Benz 190E EVO II
Best: 02:18.619, Potential: 02:18.369
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 03:08.441 01:21.562 00:50.720 00:56.159 0 M
2 02:19.718 00:34.572 00:50.130 00:55.016 1 M
3 02:18.724 00:34.351 00:49.226
00:55.147 0 M
4 02:19.528 00:34.503 00:49.823 00:55.202 0 M
5 02:19.091 00:34.620 00:49.639 00:54.832
0 M
6 02:18.670 00:34.311
00:49.419 00:54.940 0 M
7 02:19.420 00:34.403 00:49.239 00:55.778 0 M
8 02:18.619
00:34.507 00:49.243 00:54.869 0 M
9 02:19.380 00:34.705 00:49.414 00:55.261 0 M
3rd exodus14913 in Mercedes-Benz 190E EVO II
Best: 02:21.968, Potential: 02:21.631
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 03:46.257 01:51.205 00:57.056 00:57.996 0 M
2 02:26.834
00:36.107 00:52.129 00:58.598 1 M
3 11:12.113 09:23.141 00:51.071 00:57.901 4 M
4 02:29.583
00:35.147 00:50.985 01:03.451 1 M
5 02:22.163 00:35.234 00:50.702
00:56.227 0 M
6 02:21.968
00:51.039 00:55.953
0 M
7 03:39.386 00:35.548 01:28.636 01:35.202 10 M
8 02:54.326 01:04.860 00:53.432 00:56.034 0 M
9 02:26.117
00:36.435 00:51.673 00:58.009 2 M
10 02:25.172
00:35.076 00:53.577 00:56.519 1 M
11 02:24.083 00:35.219 00:51.463 00:57.401 0 M
12 02:29.533 00:35.688 00:54.445 00:59.400 0 M
4th RG11 in Mercedes-Benz 190E EVO II
Best: 02:23.267, Potential: 02:22.489
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 03:18.204 01:22.068 00:59.003 00:57.133 0 M
2 02:25.008 00:35.756 00:52.605 00:56.647 0 M
3 04:05.650 02:03.902 00:57.934 01:03.814 2 M
4 02:25.716
00:36.865 00:51.646 00:57.205 1 M
5 02:44.750 00:55.639 00:51.710 00:57.401 0 M
6 02:26.774
00:38.212 00:51.336 00:57.226 1 M
7 02:26.950
00:35.760 00:54.148 00:57.042 1 M
8 02:23.528 00:35.753 00:50.913
00:56.862 0 M
9 02:25.640 00:35.436 00:51.768 00:58.436 0 M
10 18:43.157 16:51.895 00:52.618 00:58.644 1 M
11 02:25.915 00:36.191 00:51.786 00:57.938 0 M
12 02:54.083 00:36.136 00:53.307 01:24.640 0 M
13 02:24.016 00:35.485 00:51.061 00:57.470 0 M
14 02:23.267
00:35.574 00:51.385 00:56.308
0 M
15 02:24.205 00:35.525 00:51.872 00:56.808 0 M
16 02:23.799 00:35.268
00:51.498 00:57.033 0 M
17 02:23.693 00:35.347 00:51.242 00:57.104 0 M

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