Otm Limerockdrift - Event

27 Feb 23 02:14 PST
Back to Results
# Name Car Best Practice Lap Average Lap Laps
1 GravyGarage Street 180sx Meade 00:43.072
Tyre: G3
00:51.724 29 laps / 9 cuts
2 Tando Buddies S15 Spec-R proam 00:43.684
Tyre: C
00:44.609 18 laps / 2 cuts
3 GravyGarage Street s13 Tim 00:43.898
Tyre: G3
00:44.463 3 laps / 0 cuts
4 GravyGarage Oaktree Street s13 Tye 00:44.138
Tyre: G3
01:01.493 10 laps / 1 cuts
# Driver Other Driver Type Impact Speed Relative Position World Position Show on Map
1 Collision with environment 6.9 Km/h X: -0.6 Y: -0.1 Z: 1.9 X: 128.8 Y: -0.4 Z: 36.1
2 Collision with environment 10.1 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: -1.8 X: 216.0 Y: -1.7 Z: 83.3
3 Collision with car 11.2 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: 1.5 X: 215.0 Y: -0.4 Z: -108.9
4 Collision with car 12.6 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: -1.1 X: 214.4 Y: -0.4 Z: -108.8
5 Collision with car 6.1 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: -0.3 X: 286.0 Y: -1.6 Z: 34.8
6 Collision with car 6.3 Km/h X: 0.8 Y: -0.3 Z: -0.6 X: 286.5 Y: -1.6 Z: 33.5
7 Collision with car 0.2 Km/h X: -0.8 Y: -0.4 Z: -0.4 X: 286.2 Y: -1.6 Z: 34.7
Car Env Rel
otm_limerockdrift otm_limerockdrift collisions
1st UDH NOOB in GravyGarage Street 180sx Meade
Best: 00:43.072, Potential: 00:42.194
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 01:51.551 01:17.810 00:20.480 00:13.261 1 G3
2 00:44.292
00:10.991 00:19.702 00:13.599 1 G3
3 01:58.511 01:26.939 00:18.590 00:12.982 0 G3
4 00:44.926 00:11.450 00:19.477 00:13.999 0 G3
5 00:48.839
00:11.773 00:24.021 00:13.045 1 G3
6 00:45.902 00:12.837 00:19.404 00:13.661 0 G3
7 00:44.733 00:11.604 00:19.683 00:13.446 0 G3
8 00:55.899 00:16.470 00:26.180 00:13.249 2 G3
9 00:43.469
00:11.475 00:18.413 00:13.581 1 G3
10 01:47.174 01:14.567 00:19.499 00:13.108 0 G3
11 00:47.919
00:11.194 00:18.265 00:18.460 1 G3
12 00:43.168 00:11.420 00:18.338
00:13.410 0 G3
13 00:43.989 00:10.914
00:18.864 00:14.211 0 G3
14 00:43.767 00:11.672 00:18.689 00:13.406 0 G3
15 00:44.406 00:11.097 00:20.056 00:13.253 0 G3
16 00:43.955 00:11.438 00:19.049 00:13.468 0 G3
17 00:45.597
00:11.572 00:20.817 00:13.208 1 G3
18 00:43.739 00:11.754 00:18.449 00:13.536 0 G3
19 00:43.981 00:12.242 00:18.711 00:13.028 0 G3
20 00:45.393 00:11.606 00:20.331 00:13.456 0 G3
21 00:44.311 00:11.385 00:19.444 00:13.482 0 G3
22 00:45.267 00:11.643 00:19.871 00:13.753 0 G3
23 00:43.587 00:11.133 00:19.061 00:13.393 0 G3
24 00:43.100 00:11.407 00:18.751 00:12.942
0 G3
25 00:46.686
00:11.010 00:22.378 00:13.298 1 G3
26 00:43.424 00:11.178 00:18.854 00:13.392 0 G3
27 00:43.072
00:11.208 00:18.814 00:13.050 0 G3
28 00:58.092 00:17.020 00:27.671 00:13.401 0 G3
29 01:27.641 00:54.427 00:19.800 00:13.414 0 G3
2nd TodakRC in Tando Buddies S15 Spec-R proam
Best: 00:43.684, Potential: 00:42.488
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 02:13.466 01:40.774 00:18.931 00:13.761 1 C
2 00:44.309 00:10.933 00:19.188 00:14.188 0 C
3 00:44.337 00:10.897 00:19.499 00:13.941 0 C
4 00:45.369 00:11.474 00:19.953 00:13.942 0 C
5 00:44.531 00:11.223 00:19.291 00:14.017 0 C
6 00:47.433 00:11.221 00:18.729 00:17.483 1 C
7 00:44.541 00:11.348 00:19.472 00:13.721 0 C
8 00:44.806 00:10.619
00:19.719 00:14.468 0 C
9 00:45.887 00:12.169 00:19.688 00:14.030 0 C
10 00:43.684
00:11.127 00:19.003 00:13.554 0 C
11 00:44.916 00:10.932 00:20.285 00:13.699 0 C
12 01:54.198 01:21.001 00:19.098 00:14.099 0 C
13 00:44.612 00:12.001 00:19.453 00:13.158
0 C
14 00:44.377 00:11.892 00:18.711
00:13.774 0 C
15 00:44.168 00:11.129 00:18.968 00:14.071 0 C
16 00:44.688 00:11.743 00:19.062 00:13.883 0 C
17 00:44.802 00:11.578 00:19.156 00:14.068 0 C
18 00:44.109 00:11.767 00:18.797 00:13.545 0 C
3rd Lenny | SSGaming in GravyGarage Street s13 Tim
Best: 00:43.898, Potential: 00:43.670
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 03:50.869 03:18.743 00:18.747
0 G3
2 00:43.898
00:18.927 00:13.427 0 G3
3 00:45.029 00:12.126 00:19.133 00:13.770 0 G3
4th Gemok UDH in GravyGarage Oaktree Street s13 Tye
Best: 00:44.138, Potential: 00:42.673
Lap # Lap Time Sector 1 Sector 2 Sector 3 Cuts Tyre
1 01:57.617 01:25.321 00:18.756 00:13.540 0 G3
2 02:58.247 02:26.135 00:18.509
00:13.603 0 G3
3 00:47.055 00:11.073 00:20.285 00:15.697 0 G3
4 00:44.333 00:11.033
00:19.166 00:14.134 0 G3
5 00:44.611 00:12.351 00:19.129 00:13.131
0 G3
6 00:44.380
00:12.317 00:18.212 00:13.851 1 G3
7 00:44.142 00:11.210 00:18.842 00:14.090 0 G3
8 00:44.631 00:11.695 00:19.202 00:13.734 0 G3
9 00:44.792 00:11.551 00:19.449 00:13.792 0 G3
10 00:44.138
00:11.811 00:18.854 00:13.473 0 G3

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